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She holds an international doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Madrid as part of the official PhD programme in Advanced Forestry Research. She is currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Universität zu Köln (Germany) within the research group of Dr. Anja Lindstädter under the project “LLL – Limpopo Living Landscapes“, Subproject 4: Livelihoods and farming systems funded by BMBF.
She started her research in silvopastoral systems, mainly in the Spanish dehesas but also in the Californian ranches. He has also expanded these studies in other silvopastoral systems in Germany called “Streuobstwiesen”. His main interest is to better understand how to find the balance between conservation and the management and use of these systems. His doctoral thesis explored interactions between its main components: trees, herbaceous grass and cattle.

You can find me at: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Universität zu Köln


López-Sánchez, A., San Miguel, A., López-Carrasco, C., Huntsinger, L.; Roig, S. 2016. The important role of scattered trees on the herbaceous diversity of a grazed Mediterranean dehesa. Acta Oecologica, 76: 31-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2016.08.003

López-Sánchez, A., San Miguel, A., Dirzo, R.; Roig, S. 2016. Scattered trees and livestock grazing as keystones organisms for sustainable use and conservation of Mediterranean dehesas. Journal for Nature Conservation, 33: 58-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2016.07.003

López-Sánchez, A., Perea, R., Dirzo, R.; Roig, S. 2016. Livestock vs. wild ungulate management in the conservation of Mediterranean dehesas: Implications for oak regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management, 362:99-106. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.12.002

Perea, R., López-Sánchez, A.; Roig S. 2015. The use of shrub cover to preserve Mediterranean oak dehesas: A comparison between sheep, cattle and wild ungulate management. Applied Vegetation Science, 19: 244-253. DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12208

López-Carrasco, C., López-Sánchez, A., San Miguel, A.; Roig, S. 2015. The effect of tree cover on the biomass and diversity of the herbaceous layer in a Mediterranean dehesa. Grass and Forage Science, 70: 639-650. DOI:10.1111/gfs.12161

López-Sánchez, A., 2015. Reseña tesis doctoral “Balancing management and preservation of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands (dehesas) in human-dominated landscapes” Pastos, 44 (2): 56. ISSN: 2340-1672

López-Sánchez, A., Schroeder, J., Roig, S., Sobral, M.; Dirzo, R., 29014. Effects of Cattle Management on Oak Regeneration in Northern Californian Mediterranean Oak Woodlands. PLoS ONE, 9(8): e105472. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0105472.

López Sánchez, A., 2012. Proyecto de Ordenación Silvopastoral: Gestión de los bienes y servicios de los montes de las márgenes del embalse Gabriel y Galán (Cáceres). Editorial Académica Española, Saarbrücken, Alemania, 416 pp.ISBN 13: 9783847363552

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