Doctor in Forestry Engineering from the UPM. He currently holds the position of Professor of University School in the Teaching Unit of Hydraulics and Hydrology of the E.U.I.T. Forestal.
Preferred field of research:
– Estimation of flows in ungauged basins
– Environmental flow regime
– Alteration of fluvial ecosystems
They stand out, among other works:
– Collaboration in the development of MAXIN (Application for the estimation of IDF laws in Peninsular Spain)
– Collaboration in the development of IAHRIS (Software for the estimation of flow regime alteration indices).
– Collaboration in restoration projects for the Henares (Alcalá de Henares), Júcar and Huécar (Cuenca) and Zadorra (Vitoria) rivers.
– Characterization of the natural flow regime and evaluation of its alteration in the rivers Júcar and Cabriel. eFlus
Featured Publications
MAGDALENO F., FERNÁNDEZ YUSTE J.A., 2010. Hydromorphological alteration of a large Mediterranean river: Relative role of high and low flows on the evolution of riparian forests and channel morphology. River Research and Applications, On line in advance of print.
SALAS REGALADO L., FERNÁNDEZ YUSTE J.A., 2007. In-site regionalization to estimate an intensity-duration-frequency law: a solution to scarce spatial data in Spain. Hydrological Processes 21: 3507-3513.
MARTÍNEZ SANTA-MARÍA C., FERNÁNDEZ YUSTE J.A., 2006. Índices de alteración hidrológica en ecosistemas fluviales. Monografías del CEDEX. Ministerio de Fomento y Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.