Associate Professor at the Department of Forest Systems and Resources of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETS de Ingeniería de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural.
Research field: RESTAURATION OF MEDITERRANEAN FORESTS. Lines of work in the area:
Ecophysiological bases of the establishment of the plantations:
Characterisation of transplant resistant phenotypes, improvement of nursery culture and plant quality.
Study of the interactions between the plantation microsite and the response of the plant, and applications to the design of protective tubes in reforestation.
Mineral nutrition of forest plant in nursery and plant quality:
Quality attributes with predictive capacity in relation to stress resistance and remobilization of reserves and nutrients.
Methods for the characterization of the nutritional state and carbohydrate reserves applying NIRS technology.
Restoration of pine forest masses from reforestation: design and experimentation of silvicultural treatments of tree cover, dead wood and under-cover plantations as structural and specific diversification procedures. Towards an improvement of the resilience and resistance of these forest systems.
Study of the ecosystem services provided by reforestation in agricultural land: C capture and biodiversity.
Teaching experience: forest management, forestry, ecosystem restoration, reforestation and revegetation.
Main publications:
Oliet Palá, Juan A.; Lucas Villar, J.F. 2014. Gestión y organización del vivero forestal. Foresta Security. 242 pp.
Pemán García, J.; Navarro Cerrillo, R.M.; Nicolás Peragón, J.L.; Prada Sáez, M.A.; Serrada Hierro, R. (Coords.). 2013. Producción y Manejo de semillas y plantas forestales. Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales. Serie Forestal. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Participación en la redacción de las fichas de las especies: Fagus sylvatica, Pinus halepensis, Pinus uncinata, Quercus pyrenaica, Quercus humilis
Oliet, J.A.; Valdecantos, A.; Puértolas, J.; Trubat, R. 2006. Influencia del estado nutricional y el contenido en carbohidratos en el establecimiento de los plantones. En: Cortina, J. ; Peñuelas, J.L.; Puértolas, J.; Savé, J.; Vilagrosa, A. (Coords.). Calidad de planta forestal para la restauración en ambientes mediterráneos degradados. Estado actual de conocimientos. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid. pp 89-117.
Oliet, J.; De la Hoz, F.; Abellanas, B.; Cuadros, S.; Fernández Rebollo, P.; Zamora, R. 2005. Manual de Ordenación de montes de Andalucía. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. 356 pp.
Alía Miranda, R.; Barbero Martín, A.; Fernández Golfín Seco, J.; López Arias, M.; Montoya Moreno, R.; Oliet Palá, J.A.; Pardos Carrión, J.A.; Ruiz de la Torre, J.; Serrada Hierro, R. (Coords.) 2005. DICCIONARIO FORESTAL. Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. Editorial Mundi Prensa, Madrid, España. 1336 pp.
Oliet, J.; Abellanas, B.; Cuadros, S.; Fernández Rebollo, P.; Zamora, R. 2004. Instrucciones Generales para la Ordenación de montes de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza. Orden de 26 de enero de 2004 de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía. Publicadas en el Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. 150 pp.
Oliet, J.; Navarro, R.; Contreras, O. 2003 Evaluación de la aplicación de mejoradores y tubos en repoblaciones forestales. Manuales de Restauración Forestal, nº 2. Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. 234 pp.
Artículos científicos
Fu Y.; Oliet J.A.; Li G.; Wang J. 2017. Effect of controlled release fertilizer type and rate on mineral nutrients, non-structural carbohydrates, and field performance of Chinese pine container grown seedlings. Silva Fennica 51(2), article id 1607. 13 p.
Uscola, M.; Villar-Salvador, P.; Oliet, J.; Warren, C.R. 2017. Root uptake of inorganic and organic N chemical forms in two coexisting Mediterranean forest trees. Plant and Soil.
Oliet, J.A.; Planelles, R.; Artero, F.; Domingo-Santos, J.M. 2016. Establishing Acacia salicina under dry Mediterranean conditions: The effects of nursery fertilization and tree shelters on a mid-term experiment with saline irrigation. Cien. Inv. Agr. 43(1) 385-396.
Ovalle J, Arellano E, Oliet J, Becerra P, Ginocchio R (2016). Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species. iForest 9:758-765
Li G, Wang J, Oliet JA, Jacobs DF (2016). Combined pre-hardening and fall fertilization facilitates N storage and field performance of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. iForest 9: 483-489.
Jacobs, D.F.; Oliet, J.A.; Aronson, J.; Bolte, A.; Bullock, J.M.; Donoso, P.J.; Landhausser, S.M.; Madsen, P.; Peng, S.; Rey-Benayas, J.M.; Weber, J.C. (2015). Restoring forests: What constitutes success in the twenty first century? New Forests 46(5-6): 601-614.
Uscola, M.; Salifu, K.F.; Oliet, J.A.; Jacobs, D.F. 2015. An exponential fertilization dose–response model to promote restoration of the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex. New Forests 46(5-6): 795-812.
Oliet, J.A.; Vázquez de Castro, A.; Puértolas, J. 2015. Establishing Quercus ilex under Mediterranean dry conditions: sowing recalcitrant acorns versus planting seedlings at different depths and tube shelter light transmissions. New Forests 46(5-6): 869-884.
Vázquez de Castro, A.; Oliet, J.A.; Puértolas, J.; Jacobs, D. 2014. Light transmissivity of tube shelters affects root growth and biomass allocation of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus halepensis Mill. Annals of Forest Science 71: 91-99
Goodman, R.C.; Oliet, J.A.; Sloan, J.L.; Jacobs, D.F. 2014. Nitrogen fertilization of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) during plantation establishment. Physiology of production. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 153-164.
Uscola, M.; Oliet, J.A.; Villar-Salvador, P.; Díaz- Pinés, E.; Jacobs, D.F. 2014. Nitrogen form and concentration interact to affect the performance of two ecologically distinct Mediterranean forest trees. European Journal of Forest Research 133(2): 235-246.
Uscola, M.; Villar-Salvador, P.; Oliet, J.; Warren, C. 2014. Foliar absorption and root translocation of nitrogen from different chemical forms in seedlings of two Mediterranean trees. Environmental and Experimental Botany 104: 34-43
Gastón, A.; García-Viñas, J.A.; Bravo-Fernández, J.A.; López-Leiva, C.; Oliet, J.A. Roig; S.; Serrada, R. 2014. Species distribution models applied to plant species selection in forest restoration: are model predictions comparable to expert opinion? New Forests 45(5): 641-653.
Heredia-Guerrero, N.; Oliet, J.A.; Villar-Salvador, P.; Benito, L.F.; Peñuelas, J.L. 2014. Fertilization regime interacts with fall temperature in the nursery to determine the frost and drought tolerance of the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex subsp. ballota. Forest Ecology and Management 331: 50–59.
Oliet, J.A.; Puértolas, J.; Planelles, R.; Jacobs, D.F. 2013. Nutrient loading of forest tree seedlings to promote stress resistance and field performance: a Mediterranean perspective. New Forests. 44(5): 649-669. DOI 10.1007/s11056-013-9382-8
Goodman,R.C.; Oliet, J.A.; Pardillo, G.; Jacobs, D.F. 2013. Nitrogen Fertilization of Black Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) during Plantation Establishment. Morphology and Production Efficiency. Forest Science 59(4): 453-463
Oliet, J.A.; Artero, F.; Cuadros, S.; Puértolas, J.; Luna, L.; Grau, J.M. 2012. Deep planting with shelters improves performance of different stocktype sizes under arid Mediterranean conditions New Forests 43 (5-6): 925-939.
Oliet, J.A.; Jacobs, D.F. 2012. Restoring forests: advances in techniques and theory. New Forests 43 (5-6): 535-541.
Oliet, J.A., Salazar, J.M.; Villar, R.; Robredo, E.; Valladares, F. 2011. Fall fertilization of holm oak affects nutrient dynamic, root growth and planting performance. Annals of Forest Science 68:647–656.
Puértolas, J., Oliet, J.A., Jacobs, D.F., Benito, L.F., Peñuelas, J.L. 2010. Is light the key factor for success of tube shelters in forest restoration plantings under Mediterranean climates? Forest Ecology and Management. 260 (5): 610-617
Oliet, J., Planelles, R., Artero, F., Valverde, R., and Jacobs, D.F., Segura, M.L. 2009. Field performance of Pinus halepensis planted in Mediterranean arid conditions: relative influence of seedling morphology and mineral nutrition. New Forests 37: 313-331.
Oliet, J., Tejada, M.; Salifu, F.; Collazos, A.; Jacobs, D.F. 2009. Performance and nutrient dynamics of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings in relation to nursery nutrient loading and post-transplant fertility. European Journal of Forest Research 128: 253-263.
Oliet, J.; Jacobs, D. 2007. Microclimatic conditions and plant morpho-physiological development within a tree shelter environment during establishment of Quercus ilex seedlings. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 144: 58-72.
Oliet, J., Planelles, R., Caballero, F.A., and Jacobs, D.F. 2005. Nursery fertilization and tree shelters affect long-term field response of Acacia salicina L. seedlings planted in Mediterranean semiarid conditions. Forest Ecology and Management 215: 339-351.
Oliet, J., Planelles, R., Segura, M.L., Artero, F., and Jacobs, D.F. 2004. Mineral nutrition and growth of containerized Pinus halepensis seedlings under controlled-release fertilizer. Scientia Horticulturae 103: 113-129.
Villar-Salvador, P., Planelles, R., Oliet, J., Peñuelas-Rubira, J.L., Jacobs, D.F., and González, M. 2004. Drought tolerance and transplanting performance of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings after drought hardening in the nursery. Tree Physiology 24: 1147–1155.
Oliet, J.; Planelles, R.; López Arias, M.; Artero, F. 2002. Soil water content and water relations in planted and naturally regenerated Pinus halepensis Mill. Seedlings during the first year in semiarid conditions. New Forests 23: 31-44.