Technical Forestry Engineer and Forestry Engineer from the University of Valladolid and Diploma in Statistics from the Complutense University of Madrid.
She began her research in the field of edaphology with works on edaphic microbial activity and mineralization processes in relation to land use. Subsequently she began her doctorate studies in Forestry, more specifically in the analysis of the regeneration processes of natural masses of Scots pine. He is currently developing his research activity in both fields with a mixed profile between forestry and forest edaphology.
Outstanding publications
TURRIÓN MB, LAFUENTE F., AROCA MJ, LÓPEZ O, MULAS R, RUIPÉREZ C. (2010) Characterization of soil phosphorus in a fire-affected forest Cambisol by chemical extractions and 31P-NMR spectroscopy analysis. Science of the Total Environment (Ed. Elsevier) 408: 3342-3348.
SERRADA R., AROCA M.J., ROIG S., 2008. Selvicultura preventiva de incendios. In: Compendio de Selvicultura Aplicada en España (Serrada R., Montero G., Reque J., eds). Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Madrid, Spain. pp. 949-979.