Doctor in Forestry Engineering from the UPM. She is currently an assistant lecturer in the Department of Forest and Environmental Engineering and Management at the same University. She began her research with works on the management of protected species and spaces. Currently her research work is developed mainly in the field of landscape ecology, more specifically in the ecological modeling of connectivity and movement patterns of fauna.
PhD. in Forest engineering (Polytechnic University of Madrid). Assistant Professor at the Department of Forest and Environmental Engineering and Management of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her main research interests focus on landscape ecology, especially on ecological connectivity models and the effects of the landscape matrix on fauna movement patterns and their implications for species and protected areas management.
Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Gastón, A., Ciudad, C., García-Viñas, J.I., Cuevas, J., López-Leiva, C., Fernández-Landa, A., Algeet-Abarquero, N., Marchamalo, M., Fortin, M-J. & Saura, S. 2016. Seasonal and temporal changes in species use of the landscape: how do they impact the inferences from multi-scale habitat modeling? Landscape Ecology 31: 1261–1276. descarga
Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Balkenhol, N., Cushman, S., Pérez, T., Domínguez, A. & Saura, S. 2015. A comparative framework to infer landscape effects on population genetic structure: are habitat suitability models effective in explaining gene flow? Landscape Ecology 30: 1405–1420. descarga
Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Balkenhol, N., Cushman, S., Pérez, T., Domínguez, A. & Saura S. 2015. Estimating effective landscape distances and movement corridors: comparison of habitat and genetic data. Ecosphere 6: art59. descarga
Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Cushman, S. & Saura, S. 2014. Connecting endangered brown bear subpopulations in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain). Animal Conservation 17: 430-440. descarga
Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Cushman, S. & Saura, S. 2014. Scale dependence in habitat selection: the case of the endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain). International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28: 1531-1546. descarga